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University of Glasgow
Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council
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This dataset was generated by Venkat Chintapalli, Jing Wang & Julian Dow at the University of Glasgow with funding from the UK's BBSRC.
It gives you a quick answer to the question: where is my gene of interest expressed/enriched in the adult fly?
For each gene & tissue, you're given the mRNA SIGNAL (how abundant the mRNA is), the mRNA ENRICHMENT (compared to whole flies), and the Affymetrix PRESENT CALL (out of 4 arrays, how many times it was detectably expressed).

String to look for? (e.g. vha, cell adhesion, receptor, aquaporin, adenylate, CG1147, pnt)

Searching for FBGN0031722 through 18771 annotations produced 1 hits


Annotation Number : CG14011
FlyAtlas2 : Click Here for expression data based on RNA-Seq and or miRNA-Seq analyses
Flybase ID : FBgn0031722
Gbrowse : chr2L:5579579-5581116 (-) // 100.0 //
Probeset : 1638719_s_at
Accessions : protein= NP_608943; /// NP_723099; /// NP_723100;, nucleotide= NM_135099; /// NM_164651; /// NM_164652;
Interpro : 0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction
FlyMine data for FBgn0031722.
BDGP gene expression has embryonic in situ data for CG14011: 4 pix of staining in 1 body parts.
BioGrid reports that CG14011 interacts with CG4730 CG8965 CG3922 CG4148 CG4820 CG6219 CG6341 CG7357 CG7386 CG8446 CG9075 CG9572 CG9911 .
VDRC has 4 RNAi stocks for FBgn0031722 available for purchase.

TissuemRNA SignalPresent CallEnrichmentAffy Call
Brain4 ± 10 of 4 0.10Down
Head8 ± 10 of 4 0.20Down
Eye6 ± 10 of 4 0.13Down
Thoracicoabdominal ganglion8 ± 30 of 4 0.20Down
Salivary gland16 ± 50 of 4 0.33Down
Crop12 ± 00 of 4 0.20Down
Midgut15 ± 00 of 4 0.30Down
Tubule7 ± 00 of 4 0.10Down
Hindgut9 ± 20 of 4 0.20Down
Heart8 ± 11 of 4 0.17Down
Fat body11 ± 70 of 4 0.21Down
Ovary4 ± 10 of 4 0.10Down
Testis481 ± 74 of 4 9.30Up
Male accessory glands17 ± 10 of 4 0.30Down
Virgin spermatheca11 ± 20 of 4 0.23Down
Mated spermatheca7 ± 20 of 4 0.15Down
Adult carcass19 ± 10 of 4 0.40Down
Larval CNS8 ± 10 of 4 0.16Down
Larval Salivary gland13 ± 30 of 4 0.26Down
Larval midgut14 ± 20 of 4 0.29Down
Larval tubule3 ± 20 of 4 0.10Down
Larval hindgut4 ± 10 of 4 0.08Down
Larval fat body94 ± 444 of 4 1.80None
Larval trachea6 ± 20 of 4 0.12Down
Larval carcass10 ± 10 of 4 0.20Down
S2 cells (growing)16 ± 00 of 4 0.32Down
Whole fly51 ± 34 of 4

Looking for FBgn0031722. 1 entries matched from 18771, in 1 s.

Chintapalli, V. R., Wang, J. and Dow, J. A. T. (2007). Using FlyAtlas to identify better Drosophila models of human disease. Nature Genetics 39: 715-720

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